Get to know Thais…

Get to know Thais…

JuliaMarch 25, 2021

How long have you been working at Dialoge?

Since 2008

What are your hobbies?

Swimming, cooking, reading and baking.

What is your favorite travel destination?

My favorite vacation spot is by the sea. Where it is nice and sunny and warm.

What is your favorite book?

El Sari Rojo – Javier Moro

Things you like?

Sushi, tattoos and sunny days.


  • Teacher of German as a foreign language (DaF) face-to-face and online lessons A1-B2, additional English and Spanish, deputy head of pedagogy
  • University courses in psychology and journalism
  • Teaching experience as an English and Spanish teacher
  • Examiner licences: A1-A2; B1-B2
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