Dialoge makes every effort to enable students to achieve at least their learning target. No matter if it’s a language certificate for studies or the preparation for a job: We want to help making the foreign language a little bit less foreign. We want our students to become more comfortable with this language, so that they eventually dream in it and in the best case think in it. To achieve this beside a professional instruction the certain extra is necessary: a school with a pleasant atmosphere, special selected host families and accommodations and an environment that provides joy, variety and a trustful relationship towards the Dialoge team.

“A colleague told me a story about a small talk in Brussels where she mentioned she’s from Lindau. Her dialogue partner, a Spaniard from Madrid, hereupon got shining eyes and told her that she knows Lindau because she took part at a language course in a school called Dialoge and that was one of the most beautiful experiences in her life. This is a moment that shows that our philosophy bears big and tasty fruits. And which makes us all a little bit proud.”

“All I wish for my own children if they join a language course abroad – qualified instruction, a good support in school, accurate selected host families or comfortable accommodations and, last but not least always someone who cares if they need support – that is our requirement in the Dialoge team.”