Our Team

We are as versatile as our students: We have an international team – this offers a linguistic anchor point to our students from different countries in certain situations. Our wide age range of three generations also ensures that we remain young and creative, while having a valuable and distinctly well-rounded body of knowledge. Complementing this are the diverse backgrounds of our teaching staff: geology, architecture, business administration, interpreter/translator, pedagogy, and much more.

Christine Buck-Zimmermann

Stands in front of, next to, behind and in midst of her team! She is the energy source of our success!

Christine Buck-ZimmermannCEO
Alexander Ullmann

Finds the right study plan for each student and mentors our teachers.

Alexander UllmannDirector of Studies
Melanie Weber

She is always focused on the task at hand and juggles our numbers.

Melanie WeberFinances/Human Relations

If you are planning a Erasmus plus course in Germany or looking for an all-inclusive package you are at the right place.

Carolin GöllnerSales / Erasmus + / Groups

Coming soon

Felix EppleComing soon

She is always highly motivated and sets new impulses.

Lucyna WiatrAcademic Team
Albert Hiller

Analytically addresses individual challenges in the learning process.

Albert HillerAcademic Team
Bruni Zellner

Theater and role-playing: Bruni's lessons are always very creative!

Bruni ZellnerAcademic Team
Zita Rütten

Passion meets expertise. Zita's teaching stands for vivid learning!

Zita Major-RüttenAcademic Team

Katrin places great importance in the development of his students; not only in terms of language.

Katrin HaaslerAcademic Team
Thais Ruf

Her international experience and intercultural competence, help Thais to quickly connect with our students.

Thais RufAcademic Team
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